Welcome again folks! This is in continuation of a previous blog where we created Task List crud - POC in Node, Express, mongo and Angular 1.x. We will follow the same back-end and will try to build a new front-end using Angular4. Pre-requisite : People who have gone through PART1 know the dependency which was mentioned, rest who are starting from here please go through the pre-requisite of PART1 session. You need to have angular-cli installed. We will use it to scaffold our application and for development and production builds as well. What are we going to build? We'll be building the same Task Crud application as we did in previous session, but with upgraded version of Angular and Material design. The source code for the application can be found at github and to see the app in action visit the DEMO . Getting started: To get started we will require a back-end enabled with REST APIs. Let's use the same old Task Server from previous session. You c...
The blog subject focuses on the Technology mostly recent ones and open source. Sometimes, I also write my new experiences and breakthrough.