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Adding custom charts inside d3 circle pack visualization.

Hello folks, I'm back with a new article. Recently one of my close friend was working on d3 circle pack visualization whereby he wanted to show charts at the leaf node, which he pretty much accomplished but was struggling to make it work to resize of zoom-in and zoom-out circle. That was the point when I got involved in this use case and it gave me an opportunity to share here how we got the break through. What are we going to build ? A circle pack visualization whose leaf node contains a custom chart like this: To see a live demo visit here . Context: The above visualization is drawn under the context of e-commerce store where nested elements are products under category and sub category. The leaf node is a product whose children are sales data of the week. Lets get started:  The data for the chart is as follows: { "name": "products", "children": [ { "name": "electronics", "children...
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